So do we. Whatever your favorite horror movies are, you would probably love to read a whole book about them. You might even want to write one. If you do, this press is for you.

Photo of Nick and Jimmy the dog dressed in identical skeleton costumes


DieDieBooks publishes books about scary movies written for horror fans by horror fans who approach their work from a smart, personal critical perspective. Each DieDieBook is covers a different horror movie and is written by a different author, bringing a range of idiosyncratic worldviews and approachs to the material. 


DieDieBooks was founded by Rachel Kempf and Nick Toti, a filmmaking team from Kirksville, MO. Our series collaborators include:

Frequently asked questions


How can I find out when new DieDieBooks are available?

To get notifications when new books are published, fill out the form below and we'll add you to the mailing list. We hope to release the first five books throughout 2023. For more details on future publications, sign up for our mailing list here.

Can I sell DieDieBooks in my bookstore?

Yes, please! To find out about bookseller rates and how to carry DieDieBooks in your bookstore, please contact us via email at contact[at]

Are you accepting pitches for new DieDieBooks?

Yes! If you would like to write a new, nonfiction book about a single horror movie, send us your idea via email at contact[at] Please include your name and the movie you would like to write about in the subject line, and include in the body of the email links to your previously published works and a few paragraphs about why you're interested in the movie, the central idea or theme you would like to focus on, and how you would approach the subject matter.

Can I return or exchange my books?

We do not generally offer refunds or exchanges unless a mistake has been made in shipment. You can read our full refund policy here.

Where is DieDieBooks located?

DieDieBooks does not have a brick-and-mortar location. Our operations are currently located at 904 E Washington St., Kirksville, MO, 63501.